Friday 15 July 2011

Summer Fun

A Beach umbrella in CorsicaImage via Wikipedia
There are lots of fun things happening over the summer. As well as our trip to soul survivor, there is a host of local things happening too!

You can keep up with it all by looking at the diary page of our blog, but in the meantime...

Event - Day
Event - evening

Friday 19th August

Computer games evening

Tuesday 23rd August

Chill out and games evening

Friday 26th August
Art & craft afternoon P1

Tuesday 30th August
Art & craft afternoon P2
treasure hunt

Thursday 1st September
Lowestoft by train

Monday 5th September

Killer Bunnies night -yr 10+

Tuesday 6th September

Cook it - eat it

Sunday 4th September

Meetup yr 10+

Sunday 11th September

Meetup yr 10+
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Monday 11 July 2011

Girly Ypod Sleepover

PolishedImage via Wikipedia
After a stressful term of exams and coursework the girly ypoders (years 9-10) were due a chilled weekend of chat, pampering and general silliness! 

We painted nails, played rounders (a very girly version!) read magazines, watched a girly film, ate yummy munchies and generally had a fun, relaxing and girly time! 

Wii dance got a bit competitive and was the source of much giggling! 

Getting to sleep in the youth room with the lit up cross outside the curtainless windows proved a challenge but we all managed a few hours kip before a cooked breakfast and church in the morning. 

All in all a fabulous weekend!

Lydia H
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